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While holistic care involves healing through natural methods, we do sometimes need a little medical technology to determine the root cause of our symptoms.  Once we address the main problem, the other issues should correct themselves.  Testing can provide us a clearer picture of what we're dealing with and how to treat it.

Thyroid Screening

This test will measure thyroid levels to determine if there is an imbalance.

Weight Loss

This test will measure certain factors that can affect your weight.  If you're struggling to lose weight despite a healthy diet and exercise, then this test may be helpful.

Allergy Test

This test will check to see if an allergy is causing the issue. We can also use this test as a reference when creating your health plan, as we will want to avoid any ingredients to which you have an allergy.

Colorectal Cancer Screening

If you're concerned about cancer, this screening can help you discover it sooner, leading to a better chance of healing.  I recommend this test for those over 40, as well as anyone with a family history of colon cancer.

Food Sensitivity

Sometimes inflammation and digestive issues can be a result of a food sensitivity.  We have access to a very extensive test that will show you sensitivities to a variety of foods, as well as additives and heavy metals.

Cholesterol Test

If you have high cholesterol, there are many herbs and foods to avoid, and many that will help.  It's better to know!


Inflammation can be the hidden cause of many symptoms.  Find out if you have inflammation, why, and how to reduce or eliminate it through diet and herbal remedies.

Men's Health

Check your Testosterone, Cortisol, DHEA, and Estradiol levels, to detect any issues.


Diabetes is becoming more and more abundant, and with this test, you can detect issues early, creating a better future for your health.

Sexual Health & Hepatitis B, C

Even if you think you have nothing to worry about, sometimes we can contract STIs, infections, and diseases without knowing.  It's better to safe than sorry!

Women's Health

Test for perimenopause, post-menopause, and fertility issues with an extensive test that can tell you certain reproductive hormone levels, and if we need to address any concerns.

Family Planning

Male fertility, ovulation, testosterone, FSH, and many hormones play a part in reproductive health.  If you are actively trying to start a family, we recommend the couple take these tests.

Heavy Metals

Heavy metals can cause many health issues.  This test will identify your exposure to them.

Testing is provided through a third-party testing company.  Testing is completely optional, but will help us understand your body better, as well as customize a treatment plan that works best.  Tests can be ordered online or through us via self-pay or FSA/HSA.  Tests are CDC listed and FDA registered.  The laboratories are certified CAP and CLIA high complexity testing organizations. HIPAA web security protocols protect your data.  Results are quick, usually within a week, and no office visit is required.  Testing can be done at home.  Once we have your results, we will discover any issues we need to address, to help you feel your best.  Please see our Terms & Conditions for full legal disclaimer regarding medical advice and treatment.

Interested in a test or two? 
Reach out, and we'll help you get started.

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